Signs You May Have Water Damage (And Don't Even Know It)
10/29/2019 (Permalink)

Some signs of home water damage are obvious. If you notice discoloration on your ceiling or walls or feel damp spots under sinks, near washing machines, water heaters or air conditioners, call SERVPRO of North Hollywood right away. We're available 24/7 to inspect, repair and restore any size water damage emergency.
Some signs of water damage, however, are more subtle. So here are a few signs you may have water damage in your home and don't even know it.
What's That Smell?
When water seeps into a permeable surface, such as carpeting, drywall or wood, it creates the perfect conditions for mold and mildew growth. If you smell musty, earthy odors upon entering your bathroom, kitchen, basement or any room that's often warm and damp, there's a good chance you have water damage and, likely, mold.
However, the source of the smell may be difficult to spot with the naked eye. SERVPRO of North Hollywood has specialized technology, like infrared moisture sensors, to help us detect damp areas that may be hidden in walls, ceilings and floors, even when there's no visible damage.
If you do discover mold, don't try and clean it up yourself or, worse, paint over it. If not cleaned properly, you may accidentally spread mold spores to other rooms in your house. It's also important that the source of the moisture be addressed as part of the mold remediation process. Otherwise you may find you've only temporarily addressed the symptoms without a more permanent cure.
We Used How Much Water Last Month?
Another potential sign of water damage is a spike in your utility bill. It's normal to see an increase during the hotter, drier months when you might be watering your lawn or running the air conditioning more frequently. But if you notice a sudden jump, or the increase doesn't have an obvious explanation, you may have a leak in your plumbing system.
Plumbing leaks can be found around fixtures like sinks, showers, bathtubs and toilets. There could also be a burst or leaky pipe in your walls or irrigation systems. A licensed plumber with leak detection technology can help you find and repair plumbing leaks, while our restoration specialists can help you fix the water damage they cause.
Brr! Is it Cold in Here?
It's not often that Los Angeles homeowners feel the urge to kick on the heat. But if you find yourself struggling to warm up a room, even with the heater running, that could be another sign of water damage. Water absorbs heat better than air, so if you feel a chill, particularly near walls but away from drafty doors or windows, there could be moisture build up inside the walls, damaging your insulation.
In fact, a significant difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures can cause condensation to build up on the barriers between them. Condensation is, of course, water, which can then damage window and door frames, walls, ceilings and floors. So if you're noticing condensation on any of these areas, or your walls or floors are unusually cold to the touch, have us inspect your insulation for rot, mold and water damage. Because even a little water can cause a lot of damage.
Do You Hear That?
Obviously if you hear the drip, drip, drip of a leaky faucet or shower head, you should have it repaired or replaced by a plumber near you.
But sometimes you can also hear less obvious sources of water leaks. Maybe your faucets are fine but you still hear a dripping sound that you just can't find. It could also be a hissing or rushing sound coming from your pipes. Or, still less obvious, it could be the creaky floorboards you've been meaning to fix.
Whether the signs are visible or not, if you suspect your home has water damage, don't wait, call SERVPRO of North Hollywood any time, day or night, for a thorough home water damage inspection. And if we do find damage or mold, you can count on our team of certified restoration specialists to repair and restore your water damaged property "like it never even happened."